Picnic in Transylvania

When I wrote down Transylvania on my travel wishing list for this year, I never suspected that I would go there twice just by mid-year. And I have the feeling that I will go again at least once more till December.  I am a person who loves to discover new places and I think I returned to the same place just 3 times until now. Still I came back again to Veseud … to make rhubarb pie that I told you about last month, to spend precious time with lovely people, to be pampered in the hammock with a glass of socata (a traditional Romanian lemonade) and to experience a wow picnic in Transylvania on Cindrel Mountains.Picnic Transylvania

The picnic was much more than a typical picnic… It was a wow experience with hiking, bits of history and lots of delicious food. … I found out about the picnic in the cherries orchard from a friend last year. But it was not at all as she described it … it was so  much BETTER. But let me tell you from the beginning. Picnic location is not the same each time. We went to the Cisnadioara one, near  Sibiu.Cisnadioara overview

Each time I am travelling abroad I want to find out more about the country I am visiting so I am buying trips like Turkish night, French castles etc. This was also the case for the 3 Portuguese girls that came with us in this trip. Besides them, many Romanians, lovely people who wanted to have a wow day. Cristi was our guide, who told us amazing stories spiced up with a little bit of history about Cisnadioara, Richiş and Carta- places I hope to visit on my next visit to Transylvania.guide Transylvania

But let’s get back to the picnic in Cindrel. We left Veseud at 9:30 am to get to Cisnadioara at 10:30. The meeting point was right behind the evangelical church. The coffee was steaming and hencles was smelling delicious (a traditional Saxon cake). Lots of other traditional dishes were displayed in such way to make me forget about any diet I wanted to keep that weekend. Each of the participants chose what they found most enticing and we were off to go.

Picnic in Transylvania goodiespicnic_goodies

And we went on Silver’s Valley, on Cisnadioara’s hills with green onions in the backpacks and with children playing around us.

ready_for_picnic On our way to the picnic

Hiking in Romania

We discovered really wow places, and arrived at the picnic place. A wonderful view over Rasinari ….was our picnic spot.Rasinari overviewPicnic in Cindrel

Rain and sun were playing hide and seek, but we really enjoyed the experience. Finally the sun stayed with us and accompanied us along unbeaten paths.

Picnic with a viewwow picnicpicnic_cisnadioara_romania_wow

We said hello to shepherd dogs and sheep, we picked cherries straight from the cherry tree, and children have found some raspberries.

Sheep in RomaniaRomanian countryside hiking in Romania

We crossed a small river with the help of the gentlemen from the group (Thank you, dear gentlemen!). That was the moment when the Portuguese ladies said it really was also an adventurous trip! No worries, everybody was fine 🙂

over the river

And we returned to Mrs. Sutea, our host, who expected us with galbiori stew (mushrooms) with smashed potatos and a green salad with red orach and barbery carefully arranged in a traditional bread pan called covatica.Romanian mushroomsRomanian delightyammy salad

… And the mouthwatering desserts … I better let the pictures speak. Oh, if you are on a diet …I don’t recommend you to go to this picnic … I still go 3 times per week to the gym to get back in shape, but it was so worth it … And yes, I would repeat the experience anytime!


We said goodbye to our hosts, but Alexia – our daughter was already having an admirer, Robert (7 years old) – Daddy was not so pleased with the situation 🙂 ….anyway we decided to go together with his family to visit the fortified citadel Cisnadioara nearby … We had to climb some stairs, but the view is wow.cisnadioara_cetate Cisnadioara Citadel

And we returned to Veseud where my only desire was to relax in the hammock with a glass of socata next to me. In the evening we met some really wow people who arrived at Veseud due to my first article here, and we had a lovely dinner: a delicious duck cooked by Lucretia splashed with good wine.  We also invited to join us Lucretia, Liviu and Christiana, now already good friends with us, and we told stories about wow places till midnight.relaxing...The next day, I finally made the rhubarb pie that I wanted and I tasted this plant for the first time in my life. It was delicious :).

Veseud Rhubarb pie Rhubarb pie TransylvaniaRhubarb cake
Veseud Church

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